This Doggo Doesn't Seem to Mind
Dogs are mankind's best friends, and we need to ensure they have a safe, comfortable home no matter where we live. This also applies to dogs that come in extreme sizes, such as this gorgeous beast. This golden labrador is a bit on the large side as only his head seems capable of fitting in the living room, but that shouldn't stop you from making him feel at home. After all, all animals deserve love no matter their size.
Unfortunately, this is not a gigantic dog, but a normal-sized dog who has found himself in a realistic doll house. Honestly, we got excited about owning such a giant.
A New Cat-Crow Hybrid
Cats are odd creatures. They are a member of the feline family, but they sometimes seem to have more in common with creatures such as snakes with their flexibility. Our domesticated cats are able to bend and stretch their bodies to seemingly impossible positions. The results can leave us a bit confused as shown in this picture. This black cat has turned its head 180 degrees and is looking backward. It leaves the impression that we're looking at a black crow.
No, that is not a crow's beak. It might take two or three glances and some intense staring to realize that is your cat's ear. This cat had us for a moment.
A Xenomorph in Horse Costume
Anyone who has watched classic horror movies will be well aware of the danger of the Xenomorph alien, a raptor-like monster. These creatures were introduced in the Alien franchise, and we cannot get the image of their little mouths within their bigger mouths out of our heads. Thankfully, these are fictional monstrosities, or so we thought. This picture of a horse and its open mouth is telling us that this horse might just be a Xenomorph in hiding.
Upon closer inspection, it is revealed that the horse doesn't have a second, inner mouth, but it is just the mouth of another horse standing in the back. Phew!
Even Centaurs Deserve Love
the mystical Centaurs originated from ancient Greece where they occupied many a Greek myth. The horse/human hybrids have managed to secure a solid reputation in modern times in Disney movies and numerous works of fantasy fiction. Since these mystical creatures are not exactly human should that make them any less deserving of love? Well, we say no and apparently, this groom agrees with us as his horse bride and he walks off into the sunset together.
Sorry to burst your bubble about this young love, but that is unfortunately not a centaur. It is just a bride riding on horseback in her wedding gown, which is impressive.
Her Buddy the Centaur
In this adorable family photograph of a mother and daughter, there appears to be something a bit off with the daughter. It would appear, at least at first glance, that this is the proud mother of a centaur. The only way we can assume that this is possible is that it comes from the father's side of the family. We can't imagine what family gatherings must be like in this family.
Upon closer inspection, it appears that the family dog simply stood too close to the daughter and appeared as though they are fused together. We hope they used this as their Christmas card!
The Ant Army Got Some Nice New Gear
Ants are often used as a model for how to be efficient. They work together in their colonies, which contain upwards of 500,000 ants each, to perform tasks and provide for one another. Luckily for the human race, these insects are rather small and don't pose a threat to humanity. As long as they don't begin to collect military-level equipment, we shouldn't worry. However, this doesn't appear to be the case here.
Ants' efficiency, combined with military equipment might spell the end of human kind. Fortunately, this is just a photo of an ant with an odd perspective of a helicopter in the distance.
"Off With Their Heads," Said the Cat
The phrase concerning losing one's head often connotates the idea that someone has lost their mind and has acted irrationally or with extreme emotion. This phrase is, obviously, not meant to be taken literally from fellow humans. However, for cats that don't appear to be the case. This cat appears to have actually lost its head, and this should cause concern for several reasons. First and foremost, the question must be asked: is this normal cat behavior?
The answer is no, cats don't usually lose their heads so literally. The photographer of this incident just took a photo where the headless cat's head is hidden behind its body.
This Cat Has Broken the Matrix
The Matrix is a delicate computer-simulated illusion that we all live in, or so the movies will tell us. Some of the most notorious users of this matrix are the common household cats as they seem to be constantly breaking it and causing our minds to break down. Once again, this cat has broken our eyes with this one. Is the cat in the bag? Is the cat coming out of the bag? No one knows.
It just turns out that the bag's logo is of a cat and the actual household cat's attempt to find a way into the bag has created a mind-bending illusion.
Ou New Fear: Floating Cow Heads
These days there are so many varieties of cows that are bred and raised on farmlands. Modern inventions in food supply and farming techniques have made this a possibility. There seem to be so many types of cows and bulls out there that it's actually difficult to name them all. However, we certainly do not remember hearing that farms were breeding floating cow heads. If they aren't then someone should call the vet.
This seems impractical because no one would buy a floating cow head. Fortunately, we are right and this is just a cow whose body has been strategically hidden behind its head.
Two Headed Dogs Require Twice the Food
Caring for animals requires us to provide food for them. This is one of the most basic responsibilities of pet ownership. But what do you do if your dog suddenly grows another head? Is a two-headed dog supposed to get two serving of food or is it just one serving? These are important questions that need to be answered. Fortunately, the dog's owner won't have to concern themselves with these questions.
This is not a two-headed dog, but just two dog best friends who are cuddling together during their nap time. Not as exciting as a two-headed dog, but remarkable nonetheless.
Young Man Steals a Camel's Head
One of the more common and logical rules at your city's zoo is to not touch the animals unless you are explicitly told you can. This rule both makes sense practically and logically. Most animals do not want to be touched by everyone and people could get hurt in the process. We feel it doesn't need to be said that this rule also means that you cannot go around stealing the animal's heads, but apparently this guy didn't get the memo.
This man is breaking the first rule as he is touching the animal. However, we assure you he didn't actually steal the camel's head. It's one of the best optical illusions we've seen in a while, though!
Who Doesn't Love Big Dogs
There are different types of dog lovers. There are those who adore the smaller, more temperamental breeds and those who swear by larger, goofier dogs. Then there is this family. This dog, at first glance, appears to be twice the size of the house. Which makes this dog quite a bit bigger than even the largest dog breeds. Makes us wonder how the family is able to afford to feed this gentle giant.
Fortunately, for the sake of the family's budget, this dog is not actually that large. The photographer merely got a good perspective when they snapped this photo.
Modern House Cats' Heads Are Apparently Detachable
Every cat owner knows that their cat is always getting up to no good. Perhaps they are attempting to write an email with your computer's keyboard or they are just knocking over your priceless family heirloom vase. Either way, cats use their paws to get into all sorts of shenanigans. That is why it makes sense that they started selling cats without those dangerous additional parts. As exhibited below, the upcoming "head-only" cat.
Sadly, this isn't a floating cat head, but just a cat sitting on a step. How disappointing!
Just in Time for Dinner
A new threat to hairless cats out there is the possibility of being mistaken for a delicious piece of chicken. It's right here in front of you: just take a second to look at this photograph. You can see the cat's owner sleeping on their stomach, and tucked between their legs is a creature that really looks like a prepped whole chicken fresh off the supermarket shelves. However, that is just a hairless cat taking a nap on its owner.
Hopefully, someone noticed before they attempted to cook the thing. We'd imagine the cat would not enjoy spending time in a hot oven.
And They Say That Dogs Are the Stupid Ones
For some unknown reason, there appears to be a stereotype that dogs are usually the dumbest among animal companions, especially in comparison to cats. However, while there are some unequally idiotic pet dogs out there, the very same can be said about cats. Don't believe us? Look no further than this photo where a cat is seemingly attempting to eat a metal pole in one large bite.
The lesson here is that stereotypes are usually wrong, and that deeper inspection will reveal that all animals, like all humans, can be both smart and incredibly dumb.
Our Latte Art Is Hooting
Latte art is a popular trend where coffee shop workers make intricate designs by carefully pouring steamed milk into your coffee cup with great skill. But latte art isn't supposed to be scary! When the person who took this photo looked down into their cup ready to take their first sip, they discovered an owl staring back at them, and we wouldn't be surprised if they started hearing some owl noises coming out of the mug.
We kid, of course - this isn't an actual owl, just some black coffee made by what seems to be a latte art Picasso.
They Say All Pets Look Like Their Owners at Some Point
There is this common saying that some people's pets grow to look like them over the years. Maybe they initially go for pets that resemble them or make some particular stylistic choices at the groomer's, we're not sure. But in this case, this saying has gone too far. The owner and her canine seem to have switched faces, with horrifying results. This goes to show that looking like your pet isn't always as adorable as it sounds!
Closer inspection reveals that this might not be a face swap but just some strategic camera placement. Phew!
That Is One Terrifying Set of Teeth
Dogs and cats make for the cutest, most lovable little best friends. But these best friends are still animals, and getting on the wrong end of one can be disastrous. Fortunately, dogs with nasty tempers are usually trained by their owners to be the best dogs possible. But how can you control a dog with such a gnarly-looking set of teeth if it's coming for you? It's terrifying!
Luckily, these aren't actually the dog's teeth - it's merely a case of strategic camera placement.
That's No Soccer Ball
This cat seems to enjoy spending some time basking in the sun and the fresh air in its owner's backyard. Unfortunately for the cat, the animal's fur has the distinct pattern of a soccer ball from behind. While this probably won't result in any actions from the owners, we can see someone else making the mistake of running up to it and giving it a good kick in an attempt to score a goal.
How we see this ending is this cat getting launched into the air. The cat will surely be upset, and that's can't be good for anybody.
That Cat Has Some Junk in the Trunk
For some reason, our pets seem to really love our clothes, especially our unwashed clothes. Either they love stealing your dirty socks or taking your dirty clothes and making a bed out of them for a midday nap. This cat is no different and is using its mother's bra as some sort of blanket. The result is the illusion that this cat might be rivaling the Kardashians for most voluptuous buttocks.
We had no clue that cats and our other pets were so up to date on the latest body and fashion trends.
Birds Want to Take Selfies Too
Selfies have been a modern invention in the last twenty or so years and have become a common practice in society with our smartphones. However, no one said that this trend was only for the human race. This bird is looking to get in on the action and looks like it is attempting to take a selfie of its reflection in the window. Fortunately, that is not actually the case.
The truth here is that a human is taking a photograph of the bird through a window that is creating this optical illusion. Fortunately, birds don't have opposable thumbs.
"Nice to See You Here, Anubis"
Anubis is the Egyptian god of the dead and is known for having the head of a jackal, a dog-like creature. If you knew this then when you see this photograph you cannot take it any other way than as evidence of an Egyptian god taking the train to reap some souls for the underworld. Who knew the Egyptian gods were stuck to taking modern-day public transportation services like the rest of us.
Thankfully this is not Anubis. Rather it's just a dog and its owner. The owner and dog's position is the cause of this illusion of a human with a dog's head.
Can You Find the Cat?
Cats are one of the pets that are notorious for disappearing throughout the day. One second they are there and the next second they have disappeared. You will have no clue if the cat is just hiding or has left the house, and you just hope it will show its face before the day is out. Perhaps, the reason for the cat's disappearing ability is due to their Chameleon-like ability to blend into the background.
This person is missing their cat amongst this pile of wood and can't find them. Fortunately, you can help them find it by looking in the center of the photograph.
Even Cats Enjoy a Good Concert
Most animals seem sensitive to very strong noises such as fireworks or an explosion on your television. Their sensitive hearing is probably the cause of this, but it would appear that this cat is not too bothered about loud noises as it watches on at a lively concert. This image might make you wonder how a cat got inside this concert's venue, but that shouldn't be a concern because it isn't actually a cat.
Indeed, that is not a cat bobbing its head at a concert. Instead, it is just someone holding up the American Sign Language symbol for "I love you".
This Dog's Relationship With Their Human Is Inspiring
Dogs can come in two models. You have a ferocious defender or a cuddly beast. Each comes with its own unique set of perks. The ferocious one will attack anyone who dares come near its owner and the cuddly one will assume it can sit on your lap even if it weighs several hundred pounds. However, we have never seen this type of dog/owner relationship before, where the dog is seemingly the owner and a mean one.
Okay, this drawing might be a bit off the mark. Especially when looking at the original inspiration, you can see the husky is clearly in a backpack.
Conjoined Twin Goats
Petting zoos have their issues, but they are a great way to introduce your children to animals that are not typically seen in the household. One such animal would be the goat. These horned animals are not bred to be suitable house guests, and a petting zoo might be the prime opportunity to introduce your little people to them. However, this might not have been what this child's parents had in mind. Conjoined twin goats.
In reality, they only appear conjoined. These two white goats who are just sitting so close together that their matching furs have created the illusion that they are conjoined.
Jurassic Park Is Coming
Whether you are a lover of the original Jurrasic Park or a newer fan of the more recent ones in the film's franchise, these images are sure to catch your attention. Looking at this photograph of a park shows a whole group of Sauropods, or more commonly known as the "long neck dinosaur", walking through the park. However, there is no need for alarm since these are plant eaters and appear to be miniature versions.
Turns out that these are not actually some ancient, extinct group of dinosaurs. Rather this is just a family of coatis, a raccoon-sized creature. So no, this isn't Jurassic Park.
Are Those Naked People?
Taking a quick glance at this photograph would leave you with the impression that you just saw two naked people's backsides as they stood in a barrel together. Thankfully, for us and for those fictional people, it was actually just two horses sharing a barrel of water together. Although, those horses defined facial and neck muscles would make a bodybuilder very jealous that their backside has never been mistaken for a horse's face.
Horses are some of the most majestic creatures on the planet and it is no surprise that they have inspired many movies, shows, and other fictional creatures with their beautiful physiques.
That Is One Big Yawn
There is an unknowable reason why dog owners will seem to congratulate their pets on their most basic accomplishments. The dog does a big stretch, they get a treat. Their pet yawns, they deserve a treat. Why dog owners give treats for these simple, everyday things will befuddle every non-dog owner. But, as the laws demand, this dog owner will be giving their dog one big massive treat, we can assure you.
While it appears that the dog is just enjoying the sun, upon second glance it is revealed that the puppy is actually taking a massive yawn. Which is a treat deserving.
Mr. Fantastic Is a Cow
Mr. Fantastic has been an iconic Marvel superhero for many long years. His mutant superpower id the ability to stretch his body to impossible lengths and mind-boggling shapes has made him the icon he was as leader of the Fantastic Four. However, as with all superheroes, the time came for him to retire. It would seem we have a new Mr. Fantastic with this cow who has stretched its body well past its normal length for a game of peek-a-boo.
Unfortunately, Mr. Fantastic has not manifested into a cow, even though that would be awesome. These is just two cows who are partly covered by a stone tower.
Is That a Photograph or a Piece of Fabric?
This photograph of a pet carrier would seem to show an example of what it would look like with your cats inside of it. However, you would be wrong to assume that you are seeing a photograph of two cats because there are actually two cats sitting inside of it. The cats are just enjoying a cuddle session inside of their pet carrier, but at first glance, they seem too photogenic to be real.
It must be the screen of the pet carrier that's creating this illusion that the cats are merely a photograph as that screen is creating a similar effect to some filters.
Is the Cat a Witch?
Cats are notorious for being mysterious. It doesn't help that these feline creatures have been present throughout many myths and legends. Cats are everywhere from being the head of Bastet, an Egyptian goddess, to being the companions of many witches. Therefore, it wouldn't surprise any cat owners to discover that their cat might be dabbling in the occult when they aren't home. That is the only way we can explain this cat's shadow seemingly coming to life.
Don't worry, before you go calling the authorities, be reassured that this cat is not involved in the occult. That is just the cat's sibling, who just happens to be black.
Dogs Can't Play Poker Without Opposable Thumbs
The very popular image of dogs playing poker was painted by the artist Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. His most famous work was the series he painted of dogs at a poker table. Unfortunately, our dogs are not exactly capable of playing the game due to a lacking in the opposable thumbs department. However, it would appear this Saint Bernard has figured out a solution by swapping his lower body with one of a human.
Sadly, this is not the case, the dog and its owner a merely waiting for someone and the dog looking in the direction of the camera is creating this illusion.
Caterpillar or a Flock of Birds?
This one, upon first viewing, may look like one of those exotic caterpillars that are only ever witnessed on the Discovery Channel and nature documentaries. However, a second viewing will expose this colorful caterpillar to something else, a flock of birds. The beautiful turquoise, yellow, and red birds are grouped so close together on their shared branch that the misunderstanding is... well... understandable. Guess these birds haven't uncovered personal space, yet.
Literally, these birds are so close together that a predator could just take one bite and they would all be gone. It seems miraculous that these identity thieves aren't extinct.
Levitating Cows
Perhaps this is only an American concern, but with our vast farmlands, there seems to be a worry that aliens are coming to create crop circles and kidnap our farm animals. Is this fear commonplace amongst the more urban demographics? Certainly not. Should it be? Well, after looking at this photograph of a farm animal appearing to levitate off the ground, it would appear that the rural folks are onto something.
Don't go calling the NSA, there are no floating horses here. One is laying down and the other's shadow is just creating the impression, at first glance, of levitating animals.